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Wednesday, January 27, 2010 .

Was supposed to meet dolly for breakfast but we both woke up late. So the plan was to eat macs and cab down to school in time for cmaths. But some retard wanted to get slippers at cotton on. Then we ended up reaching class at exactly 12.15, lucky she marked us PRESENT.

Now dolly wants to grab his laptop and stayover at my house to play and chiong cmsk report due tomorrow.

-- Post From My iPhone
au revoir ; - 4:16 PM

Sunday, January 24, 2010 .

just had the most tiring week of my life.
3 submissions, 2 tests.
insane chionging for submissions.
Everyday stay in school till 8-9pm do work.
DCNK presentation screwed up, but can get full marks for the written test.
CMSK report will probably get me a B or C+.

iHCi paper was screwed up.
First time in poly doing so badly for a paper. =/

taking it one day at a time

au revoir ; - 1:37 AM

Monday, January 18, 2010 .

Lunch with Grace on sunday~

first ate at foodcourt w/ grace and Dian, Dian had to go off so we
decided to camp at KFC so she could help me with my jap translations.
Ended up playing with my phone and doodling everywheree
but still managed to get work done ! thanks Grace!

We got bored so we wanted to like go play some games at the arcade,
i wanted to DDR but Grace was unwilling till we got there and OMG theres a free credit in the DDR machine! LOL so yeah ended up playing DDR twice, then photohunt and time crisis.
Somehow the photohunt game at white sands arcade is full of semi-porn shots @_@.

told you my phone's effects were cool !

we played the basketball machine together and failed really badly the first time.
Played it again and we got 366 ! highest i've ever gotten ;D
au revoir ; - 11:34 PM

Sunday, January 17, 2010 .

:DD huimin bought the tickets for paramore alr ! 4 of us going ! HAYLEYYY ! WHOOOOO !
pretty damn excited even though its months away. First row seats on the second level !
doesn't sound too bad. Too bad free standing was sold out though =/

au revoir ; - 10:52 PM

Saturday, January 16, 2010 .

au revoir ; - 5:59 PM

Friday, January 15, 2010 .

procrastination's been screwing up my life these few weeks.
gotta change man.

too busy to really blog about all the recent events.
Well lazy too actually >_>.

Love me for who i am, or don't love me at all.

"Get up and go
Take a chance and be strong
Or you could spend your whole life holding on,
Don't look back just go
Take a breath move along
Or you could spend your whole life holding on,
you could spend your whole life holding on..... "

au revoir ; - 1:11 AM